Source code for luma.core.sprite_system

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Richard Hull and contributors
# See LICENSE.rst for details.

Simplified sprite animation framework.

.. note:: This module is an evolving "work-in-progress" and should be treated
          as such until such time as this notice disappears.

from time import sleep
from PIL import Image

from luma.core.util import perf_counter

[docs]class dict_wrapper(object): """ Helper class to turn dictionaries into objects. """ def __init__(self, d): for a, b in d.items(): if isinstance(b, (list, tuple)): setattr(self, a, [dict_wrapper(x) if isinstance(x, dict) else x for x in b]) else: setattr(self, a, dict_wrapper(b) if isinstance(b, dict) else b)
[docs]class spritesheet(object): """ A sprite sheet is a series of images (usually animation frames) combined into a larger image. A dictionary is usually spread into the object constructor parameters with the following top-level attributes: :param image: A path to a sprite map image. :type image: str :param frames: A dictionary of settings that defines how to extract individual frames from the supplied image, as follows - ``width`` & ``height`` are required and specify the dimensions of the frames - ``regX`` & ``regY`` indicate the registration point or "origin" of the frames - ``count`` allows you to specify the total number of frames in the spritesheet; if omitted, this will be calculated based on the dimensions of the source images and the frames. Frames will be assigned indexes based on their position in the source images (left to right, top to bottom). :type frames: dict :param animations: A dictionary of key/value pairs where the key is the name of of the animation sequence, and the value are settings that defines an animation sequence as follows: - ``frames`` is a list of frame to show in sequence. Usually this comprises of frame numbers, but can refer to other animation sequences (which are handled much like a subroutine call). - ``speed`` determines how quickly the animation frames are cycled through compared to the how often the animation sequence yields. - ``next`` is optional, but if supplied, determines what happens when the animation sequence is exhausted. Typically this can be used to self-reference, so that it forms an infinite loop, but can hand off to any other animation sequence. :type animations: dict Loosely based on """ def __init__(self, image, frames, animations): with open(image, 'rb') as fp: self.image = self.image.load() self.frames = dict_wrapper(frames) self.animations = dict_wrapper(animations) # Reframe the sprite map in terms of the registration point (if set) regX = self.frames.regX if hasattr(self.frames, "regX") else 0 regY = self.frames.regY if hasattr(self.frames, "regY") else 0 self.image = self.image.crop((regX, regY, self.image.width - regX, self.image.height - regY)) self.width, self.height = self.image.size assert self.width % self.frames.width == 0 assert self.height % self.frames.height == 0 self.frames.size = (self.frames.width, self.frames.height) if not hasattr(self.frames, 'count'): self.frames.count = (self.width * self.height) // (self.frames.width * self.frames.height) self.cache = {} def __getitem__(self, frame_index): """ Returns (and caches) the frame for the given index. :param frame_index: The index of the frame. :type frame_index: int :returns: A Pillow image cropped from the main image corresponding to the given frame index. :raises TypeError: if the ``frame_index`` is not numeric :raises IndexError: if the ``frame_index`` is less than zero or more than the largest frame. """ if not isinstance(frame_index, int): raise TypeError("frame index must be numeric") if frame_index < 0 or frame_index > self.frames.count: raise IndexError("frame index out of range") cached_frame = self.cache.get(frame_index) if cached_frame is None: offset = frame_index * self.frames.width left = offset % self.width top = (offset // self.width) * self.frames.height right = left + self.frames.width bottom = top + self.frames.height bounds = [left, top, right, bottom] cached_frame = self.image.crop(bounds) self.cache[frame_index] = cached_frame return cached_frame def __len__(self): """ The number of frames in the sprite sheet """ return self.frames.count
[docs] def animate(self, seq_name): """ Returns a generator which "executes" an animation sequence for the given ``seq_name``, inasmuch as the next frame for the given animation is yielded when requested. :param seq_name: The name of a previously defined animation sequence. :type seq_name: str :returns: A generator that yields all frames from the animation sequence. :raises AttributeError: If the ``seq_name`` is unknown. """ while True: index = 0 anim = getattr(self.animations, seq_name) speed = anim.speed if hasattr(anim, "speed") else 1 num_frames = len(anim.frames) while index < num_frames: frame = anim.frames[int(index)] index += speed if isinstance(frame, int): yield self[frame] else: for subseq_frame in self.animate(frame): yield subseq_frame if not hasattr(anim, "next"): break seq_name =
[docs]class framerate_regulator(object): """ Implements a variable sleep mechanism to give the appearance of a consistent frame rate. Using a fixed-time sleep will cause animations to be jittery (looking like they are speeding up or slowing down, depending on what other work is occurring), whereas this class keeps track of when the last time the ``sleep()`` method was called, and calculates a sleep period to smooth out the jitter. :param fps: The desired frame rate, expressed numerically in frames-per-second. By default, this is set at 16.67, to give a frame render time of approximately 60ms. This can be overridden as necessary, and if no FPS limiting is required, the ``fps`` can be set to zero. :type fps: float """ def __init__(self, fps=16.67): if fps == 0: fps = -1 self.max_sleep_time = 1.0 / fps self.total_transit_time = 0 self.called = 0 self.start_time = None self.last_time = None def __enter__(self): self.enter_time = perf_counter() if not self.start_time: self.start_time = self.enter_time self.last_time = self.enter_time return self def __exit__(self, *args): """ Sleeps for a variable amount of time (dependent on when it was last called), to give a consistent frame rate. If it cannot meet the desired frame rate (i.e. too much time has occurred since the last call), then it simply exits without blocking. """ self.called += 1 self.total_transit_time += perf_counter() - self.enter_time if self.max_sleep_time >= 0: elapsed = perf_counter() - self.last_time sleep_for = self.max_sleep_time - elapsed if sleep_for > 0: sleep(sleep_for) self.last_time = perf_counter()
[docs] def effective_FPS(self): """ Calculates the effective frames-per-second - this should largely correlate to the desired FPS supplied in the constructor, but no guarantees are given. :returns: The effective frame rate. :rtype: float """ if self.start_time is None: self.start_time = 0 elapsed = perf_counter() - self.start_time return self.called / elapsed
[docs] def average_transit_time(self): """ Calculates the average transit time between the enter and exit methods, and return the time in milliseconds. :returns: The average transit in milliseconds. :rtype: float """ return self.total_transit_time * 1000.0 / self.called