Source code for luma.core.ansi_color

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-18 Richard Hull and contributors
# See LICENSE.rst for details.

ANSI Escape-code parser

.. versionadded:: 0.5.5

import re

valid_attributes = {
    # Text attributes
    0: ["reset"],
    7: ["reverse_colors"],

    # Foreground colors
    30: ["foreground_color", "black"],
    31: ["foreground_color", "red"],
    32: ["foreground_color", "green"],
    33: ["foreground_color", "yellow"],
    34: ["foreground_color", "blue"],
    35: ["foreground_color", "magenta"],
    36: ["foreground_color", "cyan"],
    37: ["foreground_color", "white"],

    # Background colors
    40: ["background_color", "black"],
    41: ["background_color", "red"],
    42: ["background_color", "green"],
    43: ["background_color", "yellow"],
    44: ["background_color", "blue"],
    45: ["background_color", "magenta"],
    46: ["background_color", "cyan"],
    47: ["background_color", "white"],

[docs]def parse_str(text): """ Given a string of characters, for each normal ASCII character, yields a directive consisting of a 'putch' instruction followed by the character itself. If a valid ANSI escape sequence is detected within the string, the supported codes are translated into directives. For example ``\\033[42m`` would emit a directive of ``["background_color", "green"]``. Note that unrecognised escape sequences are silently ignored: Only reset, reverse colours and 8 foreground and background colours are supported. It is up to the consumer to interpret the directives and update its state accordingly. :param text: An ASCII string which may or may not include valid ANSI Color escape codes. :type text: str """ prog = re.compile(r'^\033\[(\d+(;\d+)*)m', re.UNICODE) while text != "": result = prog.match(text) if result: for code in";"): directive = valid_attributes.get(int(code), None) if directive: yield directive n = len( text = text[n:] else: yield ["putch", text[0]] text = text[1:]
[docs]def strip_ansi_codes(text): """ Remove ANSI color codes from the string ``text``. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 :param text: String containing ANSI color codes. :type text: str :rtype: str """ return re.sub('\033\\[([0-9]+)(;[0-9]+)*m', '', text)
[docs]def find_directives(text, klass): """ Find directives on class ``klass`` in string ``text``. Returns list of ``(method, args)`` tuples. .. versionadded:: 0.9.0 :param text: String containing directives. :type text: str :type klass: object :rtype: list """ directives = [] for directive in parse_str(text): method = klass.__getattribute__(directive[0]) args = directive[1:] directives.append((method, args)) return directives